In the frame of the Indo-German Project on Seed Sector Development an International Webinar on “Capacity Building on Seed Quality Enhancement – Southern Zone” was successfully conducted from June 23rd to 25th, 2021 in cooperation with DAC&FW, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India & Indian, the ICAR– Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR) in Hyderabad, Telangana and the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU) in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. During this capacity building program, the most important seed crops of the Southern Zone were selected i.e., Sorghum, Pearlmillet and Groundnut.

The aim of this webinar was to exchange knowledge & experiences & views between experts of India and Germany/ EU on various technologies and advanced methodologies involved in seed quality enhancement.

More than 250 Officials from Seed Department of DAC & FW, MOA, GOI, Officials of State Department of Agriculture, representatives of Seed Production in National Seed Corporation, State Seed Corporation, representatives of the private seed industry associations (NSAI & FSII), senior scientists from ICAR institutes, professors from SAU’s etc. have attended this webinar & participated in active discussions.

Key organizers have been the ICAR- Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR), Hyderabad, Telangana, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, DAC& FW in Delhi. In addition, Mr Ekkehard Schroeder (German Team Leader), Dr Sowmini Sunkara & Dr Raghavendra Kavali (National Project Coordinators, Indo- German Cooperation on Seed sector project) supported the preparation and implementation of the webinar.

Dr. Vilas Tonapi (Director, IIMR) as coordinator of the Southern project zone has given opening remarks. Dr. KS Subramanian (Director of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore) has given special address of the webinar, Dr. N. Kumar (Vice – Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore) has given presidential address on the first day. Dr. KS Subramanian (Director of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore) chaired the first day sessions, Prof. Rame Gowda (ICAR Emeritus Scientist Former Associate Director of Research, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore), chaired the second day sessions and Dr. Vilas Tonapi (Director, IIMR), chaired the third day sessions including the general discussions and question & answers part. Along with external experts, Dr. S. Sundareswaran (Director, Seed Centre, TNAU, Coimbatore), Dr. Sooganna (Scientist, IIMR), Dr. Venkatesh Bhat (Scientist, IIMR), Dr. R Jerlin (Prof. SST, TNAU), Dr Raja (Prof. TNAU) and other staff of TNAU also attended and supported the webinar.

A team of well experienced national and international experts/trainers from public and private sector covered various topics which include:

  • Latest advancements in Seed Quality Enhancement;
  • Trends in seed coating and pelleting;
  • Seed quality enhancement in groundnut;
  • Seed quality – An Overview;
  • Seed quality regulation in India;
  • Importance of post-harvest technologies in maintaining seed quality;
  • Seed quality in relation to dormancy and germination;
  • Post-harvest techniques for seed quality improvement;
  • Concept of seed vigour and vigour determination;
  • Seed quality enhancement through physical seed treatments;
  • Application of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence in seed quality enhancement;
  • Causes and effects of seed senescence / deterioration;
  • Concept of seed priming and its applications;
  • Advances in seed health management;
  • Importance and measure of seed quality.


All speakers from India and Germany/ EU provided excellent presentations and information on the topics above. Many other participants actively participated and contributed to fruitful discussions during Q & A Sessions on all the three days.

Dr. Vilas Tonapi (Director, IIMR) joined the webinar during the concluding session again and congratulated everyone for the successful implementation of the webinar which was organized under the aegis of the Indo- German Cooperation on Seed Sector Development.