Intervention Areas of the Project

Intervention Area 1 – Legal and Political Framework Conditions

The dialogue between German and Indian organisations of the seed sector on political and regulative framework conditions and on potentials to improve seed production, storage, processing and trade of high-quality seeds will be continued.

Intervention Area 2 – Harmonization of procedures and technical methods for registering of plant varieties

Procedures and technical methods for DUS testing and VCU testing of plant varieties will have been increasingly harmonized with international standards, creating the basis for strengthening the supply of improved varieties and the plant variety protection system.

Intervention Area 3 – Production, Storage, Certification and Processing of Marketing of High-quality Seeds

Continuing the cooperation with the State Governments involving the three zones:

  1. Northern Zone: (Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Uttarakhand)
  2. Eastern Zone: (Odisha, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Eastern Uttar Pradesh)
  3. Southern Zone: (Telangana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu)

Extending the collaboration with public and private sector partners in other regions in order to enhance approaches for improved production, processing and marketing of high quality seeds.